Almost half of the homes in Colorado test high levels of radon
It is important to test your home for radon every two years. M&M offers radon testing, you can add it to your home inspection and save over $50.
Radon is the silent killer
Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers
We use the best testing equipment for radon
Our radon testing machines will determine the level of radon in your home to protect you and your family.
Radon detection service starts at $165, call for a free quote
The risks to human health posed by ionizing radiation are well known. Radon gas is by far the most important source of ionizing radiation among gases of natural origin. Radon (Rn-222) is a noble gas formed from radium (Ra-226), which is a decay product of uranium (U-238). Uranium and radium occur naturally in soils and rocks. Other decay products of uranium include the isotopes thoron (Rn220) and actinon (Rn-219). Radon gas, which has a half-life of 3.8 days, emanates from rocks and soils and tends to concentrate in enclosed spaces, such as underground mines or houses. It is a major contributor to the ionizing radiation dose received by the general population.